Monday, May 15, 2006

Work is a Four-Letter Word

According to an article posted on Yahoo this morning, Hillary Clinton apologized to her daughter for essentially calling all young people lazy. In previous remarks, Hillary indicated that young people today "think work is a four-letter word," and they have a sense of entitlement after growing up in a "culture that has a premium on instant gratification."

Hmm. Interesting. Is it just me or does it seem a bit ironic that Hillary is commenting on the shiftless nature of an entire generation of young people? Flashback to the 1960s, when Hillary was a young person. What exactly was her generation known for? Something about smoking pot and talking about world peace and free love?

Quite honestly, as a member of Generation X, I'm sick and tired of hearing folks from the boomer generation complain about 'young people' and their sense of entitlement. Every time I look at my paycheck stub, I just shake my head. You want to talk about a sense of entitlement? Try suggesting that we take social security away from the boomers. As it stands, the boomers will be, most likely, the last generation to benefit from social security. The rest of us 'young people' are expected to fund Clinton's retirement and then fend for ourselves.

Anyway, I'm glad that Chelsea called her mom to task. Like Chelsea, I happen to work very hard, as do the majority of my friends.


mapgirl said...

You want to talk about a sense of entitlement? Try suggesting that we take social security away from the boomers.

Hit 'em where it hurts! Go IRA!

Anonymous said...

Good point IRA! Also don't forget that the Boomer Genration got our country in more debt than ever before.

Hepzibah The Watchman said...

I am a boomer who is still working and will probably continue to work until I drop dead. My two children - one 35 and one 15 are great workers - the 15 year old has been dreaming of getting a 'real job' since he was 10 years old. This summer his dream will come true.